Barrie Real Estate Records by Street - T
All Barrie Streets Starting with T
Tamarack Tr (17)
Tamworth Terr (19)
Tascona Crt (17)
Taylor Dr (66)
Teal Pl (10)
Teck Rd (4)
Templeton Cres (14)
Terry Fox Dr (26)
Thackeray Cres (19)
The Queensway (52)
The Queensway (52)
The Queensway Way (15)
Theresa St (10)
Thicketwood Ave (32)
Thomson St (10)
Thorncrest Rd (13)
Thrushwood Dr (63)
Tiffin St (28)
Timothy Lane (13)
Tobias Lane (13)
Todd Dr (13)
Tollendal Mill Rd (13)
Tomlin Crt (6)
Toronto St (179)
Touchette Dr (13)
Tower Cres (8)
Trask Dr (15)
Trevino Circ (42)
Trillium Cres (29)
Trotter Crt (4)
Tudor Cres (16)
Tunbridge Rd (94)
Turnberry Lane (43)
Turner Dr (23)
Twiss Dr (15)
Tyndale Rd (13)